My Hobby: Dance

 I started dancing when I was 7 years old, my mother put me in a folk group in which my brother participated years ago and I take advantage of the moment to join, since I liked to dance.

It was fun to go, at first it was difficult for me to make friends, but after a while I was able to find my group in common, we went to traditional encounters where the art of dances from Chile and the world was celebrated, and when I was 14 years old, I spent to the intermediate group, since it is divided between infantile and intermediate.

Here I learned to dance styles from other countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru, etc. We had presentations so we prepared ourselves so that everything went well and without errors, they invited us to a festival in Valdivia to which we went, and it was like a two-week mini tour that we had to present ourselves for tourists.

With the pandemic issue, we have not been able to rehearse, since I live far from where the practices are and the contact is direct, it is strange since it was my routine on Saturdays but at some point, you will be able to return and enjoy.


  1. Hi Isadora!!
    Very nice hobby and how great to travel to show the dance.
    May the pandemic pass soon so you can get back to your hobby and give your best.
    Regards :)

  2. omggg sounds super cool, I hope you can get back to practicing with your group soon!!!!

  3. I don't know how to dance at all hahah :(
    but it should be very entertaining to know about it! :-)


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